- My name is Kate (and no it's not short for anything).
- I have started my own business Healthy Fit Kids
- http://www.healthyfitkids.com.au/
- https://www.facebook.com/healthyfitkids
- I'm 36 years old and a Pisces.
- I'm married to an extremely handsome firefighter who is by far my number one biggest fan. I am a very proud firefighters wife and we have been married for 12 years.
- I have 3 beautiful cheeky monkeys.
- I'm very private when it comes to my family which is why you will never see photos of them or their names. (edit: ok this has changed after 8 years of doing blogs and websites haha).
- We have lots of pets from dogs to chickens.
- I studied Early Childhood at Uni straight out of high school.
- I went back years later to study a Bachelor of Psychology and in the second year decided I wanted to work directly with families to support them so then studied a Bachelor of Human Services in Child & Family studies.
- We don't eat refined sugar in our family, but yes we eat fruit and raw honey.
- I'm a member of the Australian Breastfeeding Association. But I support all mums however they choose to feed their babies.
- I'm a stay at home mum and homeschool my children.
- I live in Queensland, Australia and absolutely love the warm weather and going out on our boat.
- I created this blog as a hobby and to help and support other parents. I am not paid for anything and just do it in whatever spare time I can find once the kids are in bed or hubby is home.
- I really wish parents and people weren't so judgmental of each and were more supportive rather than competitive.
My blog was inspired by my love of being a stay at home mum and from my childcare experiences over 10 years of working with children under 5 years old.
I really want to share ideas, experiences and tips with other parents, to encourage and support their children’s development. I feel that I would be wasting priceless information if I didn't share all of my knowledge and experiences with you all.
Prior to having my own children, early childhood was my career which I loved. I am qualified in early childhood and have worked in Australia and America as group leaders, school holiday program supervisors, after school hours care and nannying.

I am constantly asked by friends for suggestions of activities that will stimulate their child's development.
Through the information I share, I will include a range of experiences covering a child's physical, emotional, social and cognitive (thinking) development.
My long term goal is to start a website or write a book.. but baby steps first, which brings me to this.... the beginning of my first blog :-)
Thank you for being apart of my journey.
-Kate xo
-Kate xo
My blog was created on the 3rd February 2012.