- Rub coconut oil on the skin.
- Use pure rose hip oil on the skin.
- Sunflower oil on the affected area can help- (suggested by a skin specialist as a cheaper option to expensive medication).
- Water is a sufferers worst enemy. If their skin is extremely clean, it makes the condition worsen. Bathe them quickly and every second day. Have short baths or showers, lukewarm water (hot exacerbates the condition) no bubbles, no body washes, no scented shampoo, conditioner and soap. Opt for organic or natural products.
- One exception to short baths is when your having an oatmeal bath. Oatmeal seems to have a calming effect on the skin. Use 2-3 cups to a bath filled with lukewarm water (again not hot).
- Same with salt baths. It does dry your skin out but it alleviates the itch. Sea water is great as well.
- Also a quick cold bath can take the itch away for the short term.
- Appropriate eczema designed creams and lotions should be immediately applied after bath/shower to lock in the moisture.
- As far as what your child is eating goes, unfortunately to begin with it can be a bit of trial and error to find out what causes outbreaks. Keeping a daily food diary will help identify which foods are causing outbreaks. You can use this diary to see what your child ate and drank before each outbreak to find a pattern. Then you can eliminate that completely.
- Avoid chlorine. It can worsen it.
- Humidifiers in the home may help as they alleviate the dryness from the air.
# Please remember this post is from individual personal experience and not an answer to eczema in children. Consult your doctor if you are unsure about anything written above. Thank you.